1. First start off by cracking an egg into a small bowl.
  2. Then place a pan over a medium heated stove and apply 2 teaspoons of buter to the pan.
  3. Once the butter is melted and begins to bubble slightly, gently poor the egg onto the pan.
  4. While waiting for the egg to be completely cooked, add the desired amount of salt and pepper for that eggstra flavor.
Pouring Out the Egg

  1. Wait for about two minutes for the egg to fully cook. You will know that it is done when the egg white is opaque.
  2. When it is finally done cooking, either scoop it up very carefully onto a plate using a spatula, or gently slide it off of the pan onto the plate.
  3. Enjoy your eggsellent meal now with a perfectly cooked sunny side up egg.
Cooking the Eggs